Moving Drives Us Madd!
Hiya all,
My name is NOT Spade, but SHOVEL,
and you know the problem from life is that if you live in a one holer, and there are two of you, there's bound to be friction....
Ah Need the Restroom...
No, I am desper-ate...
To solve this here doohickey of a problem, we are moving into a bigger House, with a two-holer... both with this here hot and runnin' watter thingy, which do splash you in places your momma never tole you needed to wash...
An' what she never tole you either, guys and gals, is that when you live alone, before that is you gottem spliced to hitching post, you collected that there garbage you KNOW is valuable, and she don't, and YOU want to keep, and she don't and VICE VERSA, an you have to grab 'em bits of cardyboard, called boxes..
THEN you do realize how much crap you have GOT!
So listen to your momma good.. Sometime she is Right....
Now, I have packed 75 boxes, and all she done is sat here and chin-wagged, and pow-wowwed with her native friends, and she sits blissfully unaware that ENGLISH time is not that of the Good Ole' US of A, Central Division Time...
I gets outta my fleapit 7 of the AM. and she is going to Bed.. that is why, dear Citizens, our marriage gonna last beyond this ah moving housey housey biz. We done got TWO crappers!