Life With The Hypnodominants

Two dominant hypnotists, and online sellers, recently married, let you in on essential bits of their private life.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Ebay Away!

The title is linked to My husband's Ebay Auction list.
He is auctioning for Me things I cannot or do not wish to take to the UK.

There will be comic books, jewelry,LP records, audio CDs, and various other bits and pieces. Happy bidding!

Monday, January 10, 2005

Happy New Year!

Yes, I know I am over a week late, but what with a sick hubby, lots of friends and family visiting, etc., what do you expect? Miracles?

Nightseye needs the dentist...sigh...we take care of that this week. We are beginning to Ebay what we are not taking to the UK. Next post will link to that auction list I think.

Very busy this week too. Some friends think I am dissing them; is just that there are not enough hours in the day! So I will deal with those friends this week as well...wish Me luck...

The title link will give you an idea of what we two are like together. Enjoy!