Of Builders and Their Mates
I finally had something occur for which I have been waiting a while!
That little thing all born Web designers have called "coding itch"...
which causes the designer to first decide on how the new site
("I'm building a new site? Just like that? Oh My!")
is going to look and its theme subject. Then the actual build
of the index page occurs and the content dev starts.
This may have the now-frantic designer, who is at this stage most
likely thinking: ("Now WHY am I building this? Oh yes...I wanted
to do...") crawling the WWW in search of auxillary content, not
having enough of her own to start with, and is not in the mood
to sit and develop content from scratch...this site wants out
on the Web now!
Fortunately for those of us who get the itch, there is
plenty of excellent third-party content to be had, on
any subject imaginiable. So off goes the designer with
her virtual shopping basket (blank Notepad file for
code snippet capture) to get just the perfect bits and
pieces to make the initial build eye-catching and make
the visitor wish to return for more.
In the meantime, should the builder have a mate, such
person usually gets relegated off to one side for the
moment; mates tend not to have the itch, as many are
not builders; or if they are, they are builders of
things other than websites. The mate hears the clacking
of the keyboard, and for some reason known only to
himself, decides that that other half is chatting. This is
most likely due to the extreme typing speed; when
the mate hears this speed his reaoning system
further says: "Not only chatting, but most likely
hypnotizing as well". Poor mate; to have never
gotten "the itch", as then he would know that typing
code also goes at quite a lively pace!
This itch session started in early July, and has now
completed its first phase, and way under the deadline.
I had set the deadline for August 15th; it was completed
August 11th, four days ahead of schedule. Now mate can
feel he is loved again...lol!
The title links to the new project...enjoy!