Of Gemstones as Hypnotic "Toys"
Look at all the sparkly gems on My profile!
I frequently use these to fixate a client's attention, facilitating hypnotic
I've been a gem collector for a long time; easily over 35 years. Stones come
to Me and go again through many different paths. Sometimes I find that a gem
of a particular type and a friend go together so well that to force them to be
apart would be close to sin; therefore a spur of the moment gifting will occur.
Over the years, a few unscrupluous visitors have caused gems to take a walk on Me.
I normally do not expect to see such as those ever again, and will also block the facilitator of their disappearance from My presence.
eBay is a constant source of new stones for Me, much to the chagrin of My Lord.
He sees Me on My eBay account and groans; for He doesn't know usually whether I
seek technology, books or gemstones...these are my three main auction weaknesses.
I have decided after the current run is paid for to keep away from eBay until I have gathered enough cash to visit the US and return.